DMZ #34 ~ The release of this issue of DMZ is definitely prescient, given the state of the current political atmosphere in this country. While the world depicted in the book is infinitely more turbulent than the environment in this country, it’s hard not to see parallels between what’s going on in the book and what’s happening in the real world. I’d posit that the moral of this story is that the most important thing we need to get from our leaders is inspiration, especially during difficult times. Parco Delgado is an effective leader in DMZ because he’s able to unify people in a time of violence and unrest. Brian Wood always allows some ambiguity to surround the actual morality of what he writes (it could turn out that Delgado is a horrible leader, and corrupt at that) but I have to say that I found reassurance and motivation in this story.
Black Panther #40 ~ I thought the art in this issue set the perfect tone, and it was the Secret Invasion tie-in story that I enjoyed the most. I don’t know if Jason Aaron and Jefte Palo are the ongoing team for BP or not, but they should be.
Northlanders #9 ~ Another Brian Wood Vertigo book came out this week, this one very different in setting. I wasn’t sold on Northlanders at first, but I’ve really started to get into it and enjoy it. I have to say, it’s a credit to Wood’s talent that he’s able to write a book like DMZ and a book like this one, and a book like New York Four or Local, and be able to pull all of them off.
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