Friday, September 12, 2008

Comics 9/10/08

EX MACHINA #38 ~ Now that EM is Brian K. Vaughan’s lone ongoing series, and has been so for several months, his voice has become more distinct and separate from the rest of the voices in the medium. Vaughan’s been the comics writer that I’ve admired most for two or three years now, and while his output in the comics medium has dropped off while he works on “Lost”, it continues to impact me in new ways. In this story arc of EM, “Dirty Tricks” I’m troubled by the fact that I seem to have a lot in common ideologically with the main antagonist. (See what I did there?) It goes to show that an exceptional writer like Vaughan will make me step back and see where my thinking fails and where it succeeds. This is not to mention the stake Tony Harris, Jim Clark, and JD Mettler have in telling the story, which is monumental.

KICK DRUM COMIX #1 ~ Jim Mahfood’s style stands apart from other artists working in the medium, and his humor keeps me interested. The second story in this inaugural issue, “Coltrane’s Reed” is evokative and touching, reflective and thoughtful in comparison to the first story in this issue.

INTERIORAE #3 ~ Gabriella Giandelli’s art caused me to purchase this book, in spite of the fact that I haven’t read the first 2 installments of this book. So, I’m sure some of the nuances of the story were lost on me, but the phantasmagorical nature of the story had me rapt.

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